2006 – 2017: Elizabeth and her family (including husband Mark, and daughters, Maddie – age 5 and Charlotte – age 2) started annual family yard sales to benefit local community-based nonprofits.
As the years continued, the yard sales grew and grew as friends, family, and neighbors donated goods to sell. With more items being sold, more money was raised.
2018: Maddie and Charlotte said, “Think of how much more money we could raise if we had more space to collect and sell!”
Soon after, Elizabeth secured 6,000 square foot temporary space so the community at-large could donate unwanted goods, and the pilot effort for Goods for Good (G4G) was born.

The Results of Two Mega Rummage Sales
G4G raised over $32,000 for the DC Diaper Bank and The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project in two rummage sales that were run completely by volunteers

Goods for Good Pivots to Meet Needs During the Pandemic
2020: At the start of the pandemic, it was no longer feasible to continue the GFG rummage sale model. Given the detrimental and disproportionate impact of Covid on already-high risk communities, GFG reimagined its model to continue serving the community.
Goods For Good (G4G) partners with local nonprofits that provide critical care to vulnerable and underserved communities in the Washington, DC area. We mobilize community volunteers through service activities and together, We Do GOOD!