Starting in 2006, our family organized fundraising yard sales where 100% of the proceeds were donated to worthy, vetted, local nonprofits in the Washington, DC area that used the funds to strengthen their important programming.
As the years continued, our yard sale grew. Friends, family, neighbors and the community at-large donated goods for us to sell. With more and more stuff, we raised more and more money.
In 2018, our daughters said, “What could happen if we had more space to collect even more stuff? Think of how much more we could sell and how much more money could we raise!” Soon after, we secured a 6,000 square foot space and the pilot effort for Goods for Good (G4G) was born!
G4G held two Mega Rummage Sales before the start of COVID and:
- Raised over $32,000 for the DC Diaper Bank and The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project
- Received 7,000 donated items from 200 families, of which 75% were sold as part of the fundraisers, and 25% were given to local nonprofits providing critical services to people in need (i.e. furnishing homes for immigrant families and/or families transitioning from homelessness; professional clothing to employment readiness programs; toys and games to local shelters; casual clothes and household goods to social service agencies)
- Diverted 100% of donated items from landfills and instead helped them find new homes for reuse
- Was 100% volunteer run with over 40 volunteers actively engaged
In the spring of 2020, at the start of the pandemic, it was no longer safe to organize and run the mega sale, so we pivoted G4G’s focus. We harnessed the power of community volunteers to help individuals and the nonprofits that directly provided critical care to the city’s most vulnerable through healthcare, housing, education, or food.
G4G now partners with over 20 local nonprofits in the DMV area that collectively serve a wide variety of people who are vulnerable and struggling during these difficult times. We offer service opportunities to community members, students and families to get involved, make a difference in people’s lives, and do GOOD!
Check us out and see what we’ve done!
Join us in doing GOOD!
Founder/Director Elizabeth Workman has over 30 years experience in the DC nonprofit, social service sector, including 10 years managing programs at Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc. (improving the lives of runaway, homeless, abused, and neglected at-risk youth and their families), and 5 years as Deputy Director of Fair Chance (strengthening the sustainability and performance of community-based nonprofits to achieve life-changing results for children and youth living in poverty).